Hi everyone,
We're just about two weeks away and I've heard from many of you that are probably going to be in attendance at our Dec. 4 Media Teacher Symposium and/or the Dec. 11 Media Teacher Symposium.
Right now on our online registration, we've got 6 paid registrants for the Dec. 4 day and no students registered for Dec. 11th.
Now, it is my belief that we're looking at 20-25 teachers and 50-70 students--based on my conversations and emails. But for the sake of MPI's plans (designating space and ordering swag) along with other matters such as finalizing breakout session hosts and ordering food, we really need some hard numbers.
So even if you or your district hasn't paid yet but you know you are definitely coming, please drop me a line today at walsh@daftlonline.org and let me know (with numbers of participants). Also, if your district may have mailed in payment, that info wouldn't hurt either!
Thanks so much! They both promise to be great days!
Kevin Walsh
DAFT President
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