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Workshop Report: Fall Lighting Workshop 2013

Lighting Workshop

On November 16, 2013, DAFT hosted a lighting workshop through the generous sponsorship of Motion Picture Institute in Troy.  Harry Akers, a professional lighting director, gaffer and studio designer who has worked on films including Oz the Great and Powerfuland Evil Dead 2 shared his expertise with students and adults.

Lighting Workshop Fall 2013
November 16, 2013
MPI - Motion Picture Institute
Troy, MI

After an engaging discussion with the group on technical terms and trouble-shooting, Harry used MPI's studio to walk the attendees through the steps that all filmmakers use, allowing attendees to work lights, scrims, barndoors and gells to create the intended mood.  The three hour session was a great success with most of the attendees interested in a follow-up session.

Photos: Fall Lighting Workshop 2013

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