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DAFT’s Annual Media Student Symposia at MPI – Dec. 9th


Media Student Symposium Registration (REGISTRATION CLOSED)

  • Students will participate in-person this year.  No online workshops, sorry!
  • Learn about free waivers for attending the Symposia on our Memberships page.


12/6/24 & 12/13/24 (two options) Media Student Symposium Registration

  • For both dates topics/presenters will be the same (as nearly as possibly given our presenters schedules)
  • For both dates topics/presenters will be the same (as nearly as possibly given our presenters schedules)
  • Schools will be notified if more can attend per your request--earliest paid registrations per your 1-15 students get first priority in that opportunity.

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Student Symposium Payment (15 max students through November 20th)

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