DAFT is proud to work with Oakland Schools in its course offerings to allow educators continuing education credit hours.
You will need to:
- Complete this quick form for DAFT that includes:
- Your name and school/district
- Your payment method for your $10 processing fee
- Your PIC number (see below)
Registering your State Continuing Education Credit Hours
(from Oakland Schools)
PIC numbers are now required in order to upload SCECHs into MOECS.
Only persons that have been issued a certificate or license from the MDE will be able to have their SCECHs uploaded to the Secure Central Registry (SCR) and your PIC number will now be required in order to have your SCECHs uploaded.
If you don’t know your PIC number and you have an account in MOECS, just log into your account (www.michigan.gov/moecs) and in the manage demographics area look just above the education history section.
If you don’t have a MOECS account yet, go to www.michigan.gov/moecs and in the login box choose ”Create a MEIS account”. Once you get the required information entered, print out your confirmation page for future use. Follow the instructions to create your MOECS account and then after you update and save your demographic information, select manage demographics from the left navigation menu. Your PIC number will be located above the education history section.
The user name and password that you use to create your MEIS account will be used to access MOECS.
Paying DAFT the $10 SCECH Processing Fee
- Pay $10 fee for Oakland Schools processing via:
- DAFT’s PayPal option (link)
- By check to “DAFT” and send it to PO Box 1443 Royal Oak, MI 48068
- Cash or check in-person if you’re attending the 12/11 Student Symposium in-person
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